Schneider Law Firm, P.C. | Family Law & Criminal Defense

Navigating The Emotional Challenges Of A Divorce

Navigating The Emotional Challenges Of A Divorce

Divorce can change everything. And with this change can come a flood of emotions — both positive and negative. You may be relieved to get away from a toxic spouse. You may feel encouraged and empowered to make the most of your future. You may also feel sad about the loss of the relationship and about the time you sunk into it. You may feel heartbroken. You may feel guilty.

These emotions can come in waves, sometimes hitting suddenly many months or even years after you thought you were “over” it. So how can you cope? What are some of the best ways to navigate the emotional challenges of a divorce?

Pay Attention to Your Emotions, Name Them, and Accept Them

No one emotion is right or wrong. Most people experience many different emotions throughout the divorce process.

Allow yourself to feel these emotions rather than suppressing them. If you can, try to name the emotions as you experience them. This may lead to valuable insights. For example, you may be angry, but as you pay attention to that anger, you may realize that it’s really masking sadness or fear that you’re also experiencing. By realizing that you’re sad or fearful, you can take steps to heal.

Prioritize Self Care During the Divorce Process

Many people think of spa days and soaking tubs when they think of self care. But self care is more than that (and often much more practical). It’s about taking good care of your body by getting enough sleep, eating well, maintaining a regular exercise schedule and taking care of your personal hygiene — even if you’re feeling like you’d rather not. Self care also means avoiding excess alcohol and drugs that can have a negative impact on your health.

Self care means going easy on yourself mentally, too, knowing that you can say no to extra commitments now, take quiet time when you need it, and give yourself grace when you’re not able to be your absolute best self.

Seek Emotional Support When You Need It

Humans weren’t meant to go through divorce alone. Seek support from your friends, family members and other trusted people in your life. It’s also okay to turn to a professional if you think it would be helpful. There are many ways to get support from a professional therapist, including online options as well as traditional in-person therapy sessions. Sometimes talking with an objective professional is the best way to process your emotions.

Get the Support You Need During Your Divorce

Divorce can be emotional and complicated. Get the support you need. The experienced Fort Worth, Texas, divorce attorneys of the Schneider Law Firm are here to support you through your divorce, offering guidance to help you protect your future and achieve the best possible outcome.

Call 817-755-1852 or send us a message to request your free consultation.