Schneider Law Firm, P.C. | Family Law & Criminal Defense

How Teens React To Divorce

How Teens React To Divorce

Telling your teen about your divorce can seem daunting. Many parents wonder how their teens will react. Will they be angry? Will they be relieved? How will the divorce change their lives?

The reality is that each family is different, and teens react to divorces in different ways. Here are some possibilities.

Anger at the Divorce and at You as Parents

You might find that your teen is angry about the divorce, especially if it comes as a surprise. Many couples who have been together for years slowly drift apart without great conflict. Or they have become experts in hiding their conflicts from the children. As such, teens can feel blindsided by the announcement when you finally tell your teen about the divorce.

It's important to understand that while your teen's anger may be the first and most visible emotion, there are likely other emotions underneath it. Your teen may also be feeling sad and worried once the initial anger fades. Make sure they know you are there for them no matter what.

Guilt or Self Blame

Some teens may wrongly internalize blame for their parents' divorce, believing they contributed to the situation. This guilt can lead to a range of negative emotions, affecting their self-worth and mental well-being. If your teen even hints that they might be feeling responsible, it's important to remind them that the divorce is not their fault.

Changing Roles

Divorce can trigger an identity crisis in teens who may question their sense of self, their values and their beliefs as they navigate the changing dynamics of their family. This internal struggle can impact their self-esteem and decision-making.

This doesn't always mean rebellion. In some cases, teens may assume adult-like responsibilities to help fill the gaps left by an absent parent. You might see your teen taking on tasks such as managing household chores, caring for younger siblings or assisting with financial matters. Even when your teen takes on these responsibilities, it's important to remember they're still a teen and you're still the parent. Make sure your kid is getting time to be a kid.

Relief and Increased Independence

Divorce doesn't necessarily elicit negative responses in teens. You may find that your teen is even relieved about the divorce. Sometimes, when parents have been fighting for a long time, a divorce can make the home more peaceful and a happier place for your teen.

You may also see your teen exhibiting increased independence after a divorce. He or she may take the opportunity to take on new roles around the house, try new things and explore new opportunities.

Talking to Your Teen About Divorce? Get Legal Help in Fort Worth

Attorneys at the Schneider Law Firm have extensive experience guiding families through Texas divorces. To get started, call our Fort Worth Law Office at 817-755-1852 or send us a message to arrange a free initial consultation. We can talk with you confidentially about what's best for you and your teen.